Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hand in Hand

Accountability!!! How many other of my Christian brothers and sisters struggle with this topic? What does it look like to hold a fellow follower to God's standards? Do we have to be asked to be accountability partners? Are we supposed to call any follower out on their sin? Is this judging? What are we to do?

I know personally for me, I want my friends to call me out! It will be uncomfortable for me at first, I'm sure. I will probably get defensive and try to explain why I have done whatever it is. I don't like to be wrong (thank goodness I am very rarely-HA) so my pride is bound to be bruised. But you know what? I know that it is God's will for to practice accountability. He says so in His Word on several occasions. When He speaks it's important and if He repeats it you better know He does.

Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Gal. 6:1-2

This passage doesn't make it clear whether or not we need the person's permission to call them out, only that we have the Father's. I value one way more than the other. In 1 Corinthians 12 it talks about spiritual gifts and how we are all different. God gave us each gifts that we should use to glorify Him in the most high way. Just as our gifts differ we ourselves differ in purpose as the body of Christ. We are many parts. Is a foot's significance less because it's not a hand. A ear pointless because it isn't an eye. No, each part needs the other in order to function as a whole. God says there should be no division in the body, every part should have equal concern for the other, and if one part suffers all parts suffer.

So God calls us to hold each other accountable, lift each other up, and have equal concern for others as ourselves. Then in chapter 13 we are told that all these things are accomplished through LOVE! So we go back to one of the two most important commands. Do we love each other enough to call each other out? And when were are called out do we love each other enough to be mad at ourselves instead of the person trying to help?

We have to lift each other up. Satan wants us to feel alone and forsaken. Whether we feel alone in our sin or in our assisting a brother. He doesn't care. He's just glad to have the opportunity to use against us and our faith. When we are weak he can put all kinds of lies in our head that keep us from being obedient to God's call for accountability. They won't like me anymore. They are going to be mean to me or trash talk me.

How about we pray that our hearts will be open, our sins revealed, our hurts healed, and relationships restored?


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE! I don't know what to say except AMEN SISTER!

  2. Ang,

    You have had the courage and love to call me out a couple times, for which I am extremely thankful. While it may have been uncomfortable, I needed to be faced with the truth in a loving, yet uncompromising way...which you did, and which enabled God to get through my thick skull and for me to grow in my walk with Him. I will add my AMEN to Rebekah's.
