Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Winds of Change

"You cannot control the wind, but you can adjust your sails to get to where God has called you." Pastor Woody

God rocked my face off on the way to work this morning!!! It is so amazing what He has been speaking to me. Not only that but how evident He is making it. I had struggled for so long wondering what it was like to hear from God. Well I am experiencing it and whoa, I love it.

In the summer of 2008, while I was in Montana, I felt God call me to missions. I wasn't sure what that was supposed to look like, but I had a feeling it would be tied to Four Winds in some way. The quote above was actually written in a Bible in their chapel. When I spoke with Pastor Woody about it he told me he had written it years ago but he knew it was for me. I was going to widen my tent stakes and do great things. Then I went off the handle and tried to take over (like I always do) and God put on the skids. Not now, not yet, just wait, be patient. Patience, no thank you, I don't enjoy that just let me take this and run with it. No, God said, you must learn this lesson.

So many things have happened as of late that I can no longer wait. I feel that it is time to make a change. I was starting to feel like I was just making much of nothing. Maybe God was just telling me that the mission work I was doing with the church was all I needed to do. Then God started putting things together for me. Whether it be through scripture reading, sermons, fellow followers, other reading, etc. He is telling me it is time!!!

This morning I was listening to the radio and there was a lady on there talking about how God had laid something on her heart. She was saying that she just couldn't get away from the idea. Even though it was not anything she was familiar with or knew anything about. Then she was moving a dresser and found a book she had purchased 4 years earlier. She mentioned how odd that was because she would read her books as soon as she got them. She just flipped to a page and it was on the exact thing God was telling her to do. No other area of the book had any reference to this topic. What was the book you ask? Don't Waste Your Life by Piper. My breathe caught in my throat, chills all over my body, and tears streaming down my face. How many times has that book come up in conversation with me and my friends? How about that was and is the next book in my reading!!!

Last summer when God told me to go and buy painting and jewelry making supplies I thought, "Well I can't draw a stick man and the only jewelry I have ever made was crafts at camp, but if You say so." I didn't really know what would happen. Well nothing has happened really. I mean I have sold a few pieces here and there. I have made the money back that I spent on the materials, but nothing earth shattering. The closer I get to my mission trips for the summer the stronger my pull to make a change has become. And God is opening doors. I have 2 festivals that I will take my art to sell. We shall see what God has in store for those days. I am trusting in Him 100%. I will go where He sends me!!! I will do what is required.

Also, I think it was no accident that I got to become great friends with Patrick and his family. I feel that God is calling me to be a part of his ministry in Africa. I don't know what that will look like just yet, but I am trusting the Lord. I feel that God is leading me to complete my degree in counseling in a shorter time frame so that those talents can be used in different areas of missions.

We shall see. Please pray that I will remain obedient (even though most are doubtful I will succeed). I want nothing more than to live each day to the fullest extent of God's glory in whatever way He sees fit.

Praise the One who paid my debt and raised this life up from the DEAD!!!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

O the wonderful cross, Bids me come and die and find that I may truly live

For this Good Friday I was feeling lead to meditate on the stations of the cross. I figured I would share it with you. I know you probably have done this before and seen many variations, but this is what I feel lead to share. Please read station and corresponding verses then follow with the consideration listed for each one.

1. Jesus condemned to die-Matt. 27:15-26

Consider how Jesus, after having been scourged & crowned with thorns, was unjustly condemned by Pilate to die on the cross.

2. Soldiers mock Jesus-Matt. 27:27-31

Consider the amount of ridicule Jesus suffered from the soldiers, there were approximately 200 soldiers in a legion. Compare this to the ridicule we shy away from today.

3. Simon helps Jesus carry his cross-Luke 23:26

Consider how the soldiers, watching with each step, Jesus becoming weaker & fearing he would die before the ultimate torture & humiliation of the cross, forced Simon of Cyrene to assist him.

4. Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem-Luke 23:27-31

Consider how these women wept, with compassion, at the sight of Jesus, with blood streaming down his body, as he walked by them.

5. Jesus is stripped-Mark 15:22-24

Consider the force & violence which the soldiers employ to strip Jesus of his garment. The blood had started to dry making the garment stick to His raw flesh. As they ripped the fabric they also reopened wounds and tore more flesh.

6. Jesus nailed to the cross-Mark 15:25-32

Consider the pain of being beaten bloody & thrown onto a rough cut piece of lumber. Then imagine a spike driven through your hand and the other stretched to the point of dislocation before another spike is driven to hold it there. Then one foot placed on the other at an awkward unnatural angle to have a spike driven there. Then the cross is raised & dropped into a hole with a treacherous jolt.

7. Jesus crucified with criminals-Luke 23:32-33; 39-43

Consider the King of Kings, the Highest of High, hanging between 2 common criminals. He made himself nothing.

8. Jesus provides for his mother-John 19:25-27

Consider this, Jesus being fully God & fully human. Not only was He obedient to God even unto death, but also obedient to his earthly mother. As the oldest son, He made sure to provide for his mother by having John watch over her.

9. Holy of Holies is opened-Luke 23:44-46

Consider the moment of realization that comes over the people when the earth shakes, the sky darkens, & the veil is torn. The most sacred place was now revealed. What fear & trembling did they experience?

10. Jesus dies-John 19:28-30

Consider the sorrow of the crowd of believers, Jesus' family, & the Father because it had to be done.

11. Jesus taken down from the cross-Mark 15:42-45

Consider the fear, of Joseph of Arimathea, at having to ask Pilate for Christ's body. Imagine the care he gave in choosing & purchasing the cloth to wrap our Savior's body.

12. Jesus laid in the tomb-Luke 23:54-55

Consider the sorrow & pain that they experienced as they lay his body down. Imagine the sound of rolling the stone to the opening, like sealing a vault.

I'm not posting this to be preachy. I just want all the consider this day. We can't get to Sunday without going through Friday!