Monday, March 29, 2010

Beauty and Torture

Torture is the most extreme form of ill-treatment toward another person and can be both physical and psychological. It is the intentional infliction of pain and suffering used to intimidate, punish and obliterate the personality of the person (break their will). When we hear stories on the news about hostages being tortured we get angry or at the very least we are sad. Why is it then when we hear about the trial and crucifixion of our Savior we can just brush it off? We don't know those people personally nor are we acquainted with their family. Yet they, strangers, can elicit a response.

My Father sent his Son (Himself) to this earth to be beaten, kicked, spit on, ridiculed, and crucified for my sins because he loves me that much! Can I not strum up enough emotion to at least get a catch in my throat at the mention of His sacrifice? I know people, I consider very godly, who can't watch the Passion of the Christ or read a story about the suffering. They can't bear the thought of that happening to their Savior. But really don't we deserve the sorrow that comes with exposure to such content? That is only a fraction of what we deserve. We have been saved from an eternity in Hell. How torturous would that be? We can't fathom the extent. I will admit it is difficult to watch or hear because I know I am responsible for the death of the most precious being in my life. But I can rejoice in the fact that I have been saved and I will serve Him with all my heart until my heart caves in....

I say all of this because I am repeatedly reminded, even by other Christians, that worldly desire and accomplishments are far more important and desirable than following Christ. We want a nice house, car, job, beach house, clothes, makeup, hair stylist, tanning bed packages, spring break trips, the list is never ending. What are we willing to sacrifice for our Savior? He gave himself. Can we not do the same? Are our friends and stuff really that important in comparison to our eternity? Would I rather have material things here on earth than have my Father say, "well done!"? I am struggling with this in a major way right now. What would my life look like if I did live by faith. What would happen if I relied on God to provide my meals, insurance, livelihood? Well my friends we are about to find out!!!

I am super pumped about what God is doing in my life. And that He has given me the courage to follow Him, to trust Him in all things. Please pray for me and love me through this journey.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hand in Hand

Accountability!!! How many other of my Christian brothers and sisters struggle with this topic? What does it look like to hold a fellow follower to God's standards? Do we have to be asked to be accountability partners? Are we supposed to call any follower out on their sin? Is this judging? What are we to do?

I know personally for me, I want my friends to call me out! It will be uncomfortable for me at first, I'm sure. I will probably get defensive and try to explain why I have done whatever it is. I don't like to be wrong (thank goodness I am very rarely-HA) so my pride is bound to be bruised. But you know what? I know that it is God's will for to practice accountability. He says so in His Word on several occasions. When He speaks it's important and if He repeats it you better know He does.

Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Gal. 6:1-2

This passage doesn't make it clear whether or not we need the person's permission to call them out, only that we have the Father's. I value one way more than the other. In 1 Corinthians 12 it talks about spiritual gifts and how we are all different. God gave us each gifts that we should use to glorify Him in the most high way. Just as our gifts differ we ourselves differ in purpose as the body of Christ. We are many parts. Is a foot's significance less because it's not a hand. A ear pointless because it isn't an eye. No, each part needs the other in order to function as a whole. God says there should be no division in the body, every part should have equal concern for the other, and if one part suffers all parts suffer.

So God calls us to hold each other accountable, lift each other up, and have equal concern for others as ourselves. Then in chapter 13 we are told that all these things are accomplished through LOVE! So we go back to one of the two most important commands. Do we love each other enough to call each other out? And when were are called out do we love each other enough to be mad at ourselves instead of the person trying to help?

We have to lift each other up. Satan wants us to feel alone and forsaken. Whether we feel alone in our sin or in our assisting a brother. He doesn't care. He's just glad to have the opportunity to use against us and our faith. When we are weak he can put all kinds of lies in our head that keep us from being obedient to God's call for accountability. They won't like me anymore. They are going to be mean to me or trash talk me.

How about we pray that our hearts will be open, our sins revealed, our hurts healed, and relationships restored?

Friday, March 19, 2010

When you're in love...

O God, I have tasted Thy goodness, and it has both satisfied me and made me thirst for more. I am painfully conscious of my need for further grace. I am ashamed of my lack of desire. O God, the Triune God, I want to want Thee; I long to be filled with longing; I thirst to be made more thirsty still. Show me Thy glory, I pray Thee, so that I may know Thee indeed. Begin in mercy a new work of love within me. Say to my soul, "Rise up my love, my fair one, and come away." Then give me grace to rise and follow Thee up from this misty lowland where I have wandered so long.--AW Tozer, The Pursuit of God

I have never been one for gushy, sappy, romantic stuff. I never really played into my girl friends fantasies about a knight in shining armor or happily ever after. I had seen first hand what people can do to each other. Some have called me cynical, others a realist. I don't know what I am. I just really don't get terribly surprised when someones actions disappoint me. Now don't get me wrong. I want to find that love of a lifetime. Someone with whom to share this journey. But I think bells, whistles, and fireworks are just a tad bit unrealistic.

That being said...I have fallen head over heals in love with someone. I have never felt so full of life. He brings me flowers, writes me songs and love letters, protects me from meanies, lifts me up, lets me cry, holds my hand, and most of all accepts me for all that I am (and am not). I spent the better part of my life trying to get my worth from people around me (not a good idea, people will disappoint you and misuse this power). I no longer need others approval. I only need to be accepted and love by my one and only!!!

Who is this amazingly perfect someone? MY JESUS!!!! When I think about how much He loves me (even though He knows my heart, thoughts, everything) I am mystified. I mean He loves me so much that he gave up his place in heaven to come here. He came to a place where he knew he would be chastised, beaten, and killed. All because He love ME! In the book The Shack it says, "He would have done it even if it was just for me, but it wasn't." Like how crazy is that? These are the same hands that created the universe, put life into motion, carved the earth, and made me. Do I even realize what a big deal that is? Can I even comprehend that I have the greatest lover of all times?

All I do know is that He is on my mind constantly. I can't get enough! I want to read His Word, sing His praise, glorify His Name 24/7!!!

I never thought I could ever feel this way about anyone or anything. I'm so glad I do and hope I always will. I pray for diligence.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Measure of Growth

How many of us have stood in a doorway of a loved ones home and had a pencil mark drawn on the wall? When we go to the doctor the first thing they do is weigh and measure us. Look at the trees and plants we have in our yards. We can see their growth, measure it even.

So how do we measure our spiritual growth? We should use the Word as our measuring stick. Are we doing what it says and not just reading it? (Thank you James) Do we question it more than before? Do we trust it more than before? Before what? Where do we start? Where do we stop? How often should we track our progress? Should we even bother or just go about our business and let God sort it out in the end?

My take is this: I question the Bible less now than I did 3 years ago. I felt that I needed to dissect every single verse and parables to extract the deep dark message hidden there. I don't feel that need any longer. Don't get me wrong, I love studying the Word. Each and every time I read scripture I see something that wasn't there the last. It's like when you watch a movie and the second time you see things you missed but the movie is still the same. The more you watch it the more you notice and the more you love it. I love the fact that my Daddy wrote me a love letter thousands of years ago and it speaks to me differently everyday. That is a love letter I would never want to live without. But more than that I guess is the whole question of creation and other such unbelievable things in the Bible. This isn't scientifically possible. That isn't physically possible. This and that could never have happened, there is no explanation. No explanation other than God. My God can do anything he wants!!! He is the Boss of me and you and everyone (whether they want to admit it or not). I don't have to have a scientific explanation of where dinosaurs fit in the picture. God did what he did in the time frame he wanted to do it and here we are to worship! How did Jesus withstand all that physical torture, carry the cross (whole or top beam, whatever), and hang on the cross for 6 grueling hours? He is God. He does what he wants. Here we are to worship!

So, I guess the bottom line for that is this: You ask me how I know the Bible is true. The Bible is true because it is the Word of God. He breathed everything into motion. Now, yes, there are tons of ways to show how the Bible is true, but I only need the one.

Moving on, before what: before I realized God loved me more than life, before I have my sins washed away and forgotten, before I truly was alive.

Where do we start? Today! Am I striving harder than yesterday to seek His face?

Where do we stop? We don't, EVER!

How often? Every second of every day!

Should we bother? Well God will sort everything out in the end, true. But do we want to seek His guidance and do a heart check so that we can stay the course? I know I do! If He didn't want us to check ourselves (before we wrc-wrcty-wreck ourselves) He wouldn't have given us the instruction book, yes?

I suppose my point in all of this is that I am thankful that I have a Father that loves me enough to show me ways I have grown (positive reinforcement, if you will. Not if you won't). He is allowing me to see in tiny ways how evident he is in my life and what obedience looks like.

My prayer is that I continue on this path. That the Father be glorified in everything I do. As Bryan Adams sang, "everything I do, I do it for you." (sorry I'm cheesy)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Life or Death

This week our video for Crazy Love talked about baptism in other countries. In other cultures if someone chooses to follow Christ they truly have to give up everything. By choosing salvation they cease to exist in their families, lose their jobs, and in some cases have to fight for their lives. Why is it then, in our culture where it is acceptable to be "whoever we choose to be", that we can take commitment to Christ so lightly?

Seriously, what is the worst that can happen? You lose a friend? If they were really your friend to begin with wouldn't they respect your decision? People make jokes at your expense? Why does it matter what people think about you anyway? Are they the ones who determine your worth?

We have grayed so many areas of our lives that we don't even know what is what. The fact of the matter is there are some things in life that just are or are not. You can either be pregnant or not, no kinda to it. You are employed or you are not. You are alive or you are not. You believe in Christ or you do not. You live for Him or you do not. By not really making a decision on this subject you are making one.

Now I don't claim to be perfect. Gods knows, and others too, that I have faults as big as San Andreas. But what I do have is a burning passion for Christ. I can't get enough of Him. Sometimes I sit and think about what He has done, and continues to do, in my life and I can't help but smile. The best part of it isn't even that He has done great things. It's that He loved me first! He picked me! He made me! He wanted me!

"You make all things work together for my good!"

But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith. I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead. Phil. 3:7-11