Monday, March 29, 2010

Beauty and Torture

Torture is the most extreme form of ill-treatment toward another person and can be both physical and psychological. It is the intentional infliction of pain and suffering used to intimidate, punish and obliterate the personality of the person (break their will). When we hear stories on the news about hostages being tortured we get angry or at the very least we are sad. Why is it then when we hear about the trial and crucifixion of our Savior we can just brush it off? We don't know those people personally nor are we acquainted with their family. Yet they, strangers, can elicit a response.

My Father sent his Son (Himself) to this earth to be beaten, kicked, spit on, ridiculed, and crucified for my sins because he loves me that much! Can I not strum up enough emotion to at least get a catch in my throat at the mention of His sacrifice? I know people, I consider very godly, who can't watch the Passion of the Christ or read a story about the suffering. They can't bear the thought of that happening to their Savior. But really don't we deserve the sorrow that comes with exposure to such content? That is only a fraction of what we deserve. We have been saved from an eternity in Hell. How torturous would that be? We can't fathom the extent. I will admit it is difficult to watch or hear because I know I am responsible for the death of the most precious being in my life. But I can rejoice in the fact that I have been saved and I will serve Him with all my heart until my heart caves in....

I say all of this because I am repeatedly reminded, even by other Christians, that worldly desire and accomplishments are far more important and desirable than following Christ. We want a nice house, car, job, beach house, clothes, makeup, hair stylist, tanning bed packages, spring break trips, the list is never ending. What are we willing to sacrifice for our Savior? He gave himself. Can we not do the same? Are our friends and stuff really that important in comparison to our eternity? Would I rather have material things here on earth than have my Father say, "well done!"? I am struggling with this in a major way right now. What would my life look like if I did live by faith. What would happen if I relied on God to provide my meals, insurance, livelihood? Well my friends we are about to find out!!!

I am super pumped about what God is doing in my life. And that He has given me the courage to follow Him, to trust Him in all things. Please pray for me and love me through this journey.

1 comment:

  1. Amen Ang! A life lived by faith may look different than a life of worldly success....follow God fully and your life will look like Him no matter what! You have my prayers, respect, and admiration! Keep on preaching Ang!
