Saturday, November 27, 2010

This kind of love...

John 17 is a passage of scripture I have read many times, but today was like the first. I have heard many people ask why Jesus prayed for himself. I guess people think if He's God why would He need to pray. He was showing us how to live a faithful life. He was teaching us that even in His sinless humanity he was faithful to the requirements set by the Father, which includes prayer.

In this chapter Christ prays for himself to be glorified so that the Father is ultimately lifted high. He also prays for his disciples. This is the portion of the chapter that struck me the hardest. Jesus prayed for the men God had entrusted to him. He asked for God to protect them with His power. While Jesus was on earth with them he protected them with the same power. He even prayed for Judas, "None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled." How much love does that show? I am humbled by the example of love here in this verse. How can you love someone enough to pray for their protection when you know they will be the one to destroy you? Only through the power of the heavenly Father and the love that he bestows on us as his children. There is not one of us that has the capacity to love anyone (or ourselves for that matter) outside of the grace we receive in Christ. Think about the last supper as well. Jesus is sitting there with his boyz, chillin', munchin, and none of the others knew Judas was the traitor. I know that if the roles were reversed the other dinner guests would feel some tension at the table. Obviously, Christ's love is deeper, stronger, and more encompassing than anything we can fathom and this is a great example. It amazes me that Jesus can sit there and show so much grace to an individual that he knows is going to hand him over for 30 pieces of silver. I understand that someone had to be the vessel of destruction but I also know I could not have been so gracious. It blows my mind that our Father can equip us with the tools to accomplish so much. His will is going to prevail and he will give us the means in which it will be accomplished. Miracles happen around us everyday. People are healed, rescued from disaster, and then things that most people overlook. I have been in love with my Savior for some time and only today was this miracle shown to me. How great is our God?

At the end of the chapter Christ prays for all believers. He prayed for us then as he does now. We know that He intercedes for us today just as he did in that moment. Romans 8:34 says, "Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died--more than that, who was raised to life--is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us." How awesome is it that Jesus prayed for each of us 2000 years ago? He knew us then just as he knows us now.

How much more should we pray for love like Christ's? There are people in my life right now that I don't want to love. People who are hurting my loved ones on a daily basis, mostly without their knowledge. I pray that Christ will fill me with his unconditional love toward those individuals so that I can be Christ to them. Are we not to be a reflection of Him in the life we live? What if that is the only glimpse of Christ they see?

Please, Lord, fill me with your love for others. I know I do not have the capacity for that love outside of you power. Live and love through me today, tomorrow, and always.

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