Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How Deep the Father's Love...

"An infinite God can give all of Himself to each of His children. He does not distribute Himself that each may have a part, but to each one He gives all of Himself as fully as if there were no others." - Tozer

Yes, I love how Tozer presents ideas that we already know but can't really verbalize. At least, I can't. How big is our God? So big that each and every one of us can experience Him fully without sharing. We as humans have to decide who we spend time with and when, how much time we want to invest in certain relationships, and how much time we want for ourselves. Our Father is not like that at all. How different would each of our lives be if we had our parents undevoted attention? If they didn't have to spread themselves between work, spouse, other children, and friends. I don't mean that to sound like God is at our beck & call. Just the opposite, He is everpresent but we don't call the shots. He is there because He wants to be, because He loves us so much. There is a quote from The Shack, "He would have done it even if it was just for me, but it wasn't." It's saying that what Jesus did here on earth and on the cross was for me and you and everyone. He would have done it even if it was only for me or you or Joe or whoever. He loves us so completely that He would have endured all of that for just one person. One person to be with Him in His Kingdom for eternity.

We spend our whole lives yearning for love an acceptance from a fallen and corrupt world. The perfect love we seek is available all along. We are too stubborn to accept it. We can do it by ourselves. Just like a baby that's learning how to dress themselves, "I can do it by myself" in a very exasperated tone. Eventually they realize the sleeve to the shirt is on the inside instead of the outside and they are tangled beyond belief. "Help!!!" finally escapes their lips. We as the adult are standing by waiting for that moment. We knew from the beginning of the dressing process that something like this would happen. We stood by silently waiting. When we help them do we say I told you so? Or do we, with love in our hearts, try to point out the fact that even when you know how sometimes you need help?

The love of our Father is complete for each of us. He loves each of His children to the utmost. We don't have to share His love because He is so big and so perfect. I am the apple of His eye. You are the apple of His eye. Neither one of us must experience a deminished amount of love when a new child is adopted into our family. That new brother or sister will be the apple of His eye.

This is not a concept that our human minds can wrap around. We aren't meant to understand all of these things. We are just meant to believe that they are so and trust our Father when He says it is. I am encouraged that the God of the universe, the Giver of Life, my Savior loves me more than anything else on earth!!! I am the best to Him.

That just blows my mind!!!!

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