Thursday, February 25, 2010

Why Aunt Angels

Why Aunt Angels? Well, my nephew Keegan, started it. When he says his prayers at night one part says, "angels watch me through the night." Well Keeg says, "Aunt Angels" instead. I think that is precious. More than that he asked me one day, "Aunt Angel, does everybody have an angel living with them and watching over them like I do?" I answered, yes. Then he said, "well do their's have wings you can see cause yours are invisible?" Now I am not saying I am anything close to angelic but this kid blows my mind. Did I mention that he's not even 5 yet and he asked those questions probably a year ago? The Bible tells us to be like little children when we approach the throne. I wish my faith could mirror his sometimes. Keegan just believes that God is who he says he is and that Jesus died on a cross for him. He also refers to Christ's cross as his cross too.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, now listen...if you're going to make me cry every time you blog I ain't reading it! J/K I have to read it! This is so precious! I love that stinker so very much! Thank you for reminding me how simple loving God & believing in Him really is. I love you Sistar!!
